Dashkit supports all of Bootstrap's default form styling in addition to a handful of new input types and features. Please read the official documentation for a full list of options from Bootstrap's core library.
Create beautifully simple form labels that float over your input fields.
Indicate invalid and valid form fields with .is-invalid
and .is-valid
Round form control corners with the .form-control-rounded
Remove vertical padding and borders from a form control with the .form-control-flush
Remove vertical padding and set form control's height to auto with the .form-control-auto
A slightly modified version of the default input groups that always keeps icons as a part of the form control.
Replaces a standard checkbox input with a toggle switch.
A simple yet powerful datepicker powered by the Flatpickr JavaScript plugin. You can pass any options supported by
the plugin via the data-flatpickr
attribute. The value must be a valid JSON object. Please read the
official plugin documentation for a full list of options.
Mask your form controls depending on the context with the Inputmask plugin. Please read the official plugin documentation for a full list of options.
Powerful WYSIWYG text editor powered by Quill. You can pass any options supported by the plugin via the
attribute. The value must be a valid JSON object. Please read the
official plugin documentation for a full list of options.
Drag and drop file uploads with image previews powered by Dropzone.js. You can pass any options supported by the
plugin via the data-dropzone
attribute. The value must be a valid JSON object. Please read the
official plugin documentation for a full list of options.
A vanilla, lightweight, configurable select box/text input plugin. Similar to Select2 and Selectize but without the
jQuery dependency. You can pass any options supported by the plugin via the data-choices
attribute. The
value must be a valid JSON object. Please read the
official plugin documentation for a full list of